
Nasal anatomy is quite complex and only an artful surgeon can achieve optimal results.

Dr. Martínez has extensive surgical experience in open, primary, closed and secondary nose surgery.

Rhinoplasty in Peru

Dr. Martinez has developed her own Nasal Surgery classification. The purpose of primary surgery is to correct defects in a nose that has never previously been operated on.

Primary Rhinoplasty

Dr. Before deciding on the desired outcome of a surgery, Dr. Martinez always has a conversation with the patient. Dr. Martinez’s philosophy is that each patient must be completely sure of the desired aesthetic result they wish to achieve, since aesthetic results can vary and are quite subjective.

A very natural looking nose is the ideal result, although some patients may prefer more stylized results which can also be achieved depending on the type of procedure selected.

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Secondary Rhinoplasty

Secondary or post-traumatic nasal surgery will always be more difficult than primary surgery. The tissue has already been worked and this results in fibrosis (internal scar tissue).

In our plastic surgery clinic, we receive many patients who had previous nasal surgery or who have had nasal trauma due to blows or accidents. In such cases, Dr. Martinez evaluates the current situation thoroughly and advises being very specific about the results you wish to achieve and how you intend to accomplish them.

Dr. Martinez has classified secondary surgeries into:

– Group of Nasal reconstruction for poor reduction defects: This group includes those noses that have generally undergone a previous surgery in which structures were not adequately resected.

– Group of Nasal reconstruction for excessive resection defects: This group includes those noses that have undergone a previous surgery in which the nasal structures were exaggeratedly resected leading to asymmetries and/or collapse of the structures.

Functional Correction

There are two types of functional corrections we offer:  Septoplasty and Turbinate Surger

Septoplasty: The turbinates are structures located on the lateral wall of the nose. They have a respiratory mucosa that is highly reactive to weather changes, dust mites, pollen, etc.  They tend to increase their size in people who have nasal deviation or allergies. Turbinate reduction by cauterization with radiofrequency is performed in conjunction with septoplasty. Increases air flow through the nasal passages.

A very natural looking nose is the ideal result, although some patients may prefer more stylized results which can also be achieved depending on the type of procedure selected.


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Calle Tutumo 194 Urb. Los Rosales, Santiago de Surco Lima – Perú.